The foundation

Diabetes is a major public health challenge due to its frequency, the seriousness of its complications and the high costs that it incurs.

Also, alongside the main public actors who organize research, such INSERM or CNRS, patients associations (FFD), and associations of doctors and scientists (the French speaking Society of Diabetes – SFD) aim to support diabetes research and contribute significantly to medical research.

Thus, the SFD established a Foundation: The Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research – FFRD, which has the unique goal of « promoting and supporting research on diabetes and metabolic diseases ».

The SFD also initiated the SFDT1 project, launched in 2019, with the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research as the promoter.

SFDT1 is a French cohort of individuals living with type 1 diabetes, with the main objective of better understanding the cardiovascular risk in this population. This cohort aims to include, in the long run, 15,000 patients followed over 10 years.

Since 2013, the FFRD has been:

received projects
experts internationaux interrogés
auditioned candidates
équipes de chercheurs francophones récompensées
millions of euros distributed

Goal and missions

« A foundation that is state-recognised as serving the public interest for advancing the research on diabetes. »

Created by the Francophone Society of Diabetes (SFD), the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research (FFRD) set itself the unique goal of “promoting and supporting research on diabetes and metabolic diseases, particularly through public and private collaboration”.

The FFRD is committed at all stages of research on diabetes and metabolic diseases and aims to provide sustainable means to support projects in experimental, clinical, and translational research in the long term.

State-recognised as serving the public interest, the FFRD supports quality research programmes that are international in scope. It funds innovative and promising projects in order to achieve better management of diabetic patients. It funds innovative and promising projects in order to achieve better management of diabetic patients.

Our organization

The Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research comprises three instances, each with distinct functions:


  • The General Committee is responsible for preparing board meetings and ensuring the implementation of its decisions and resolutions.
  • The Scientific Council‘s mission is to select research projects for support and define the scientific policy of the Foundation.
  • The Board of Directors, composed of 12 members and a government commissioner, is responsible for defining the strategic directions of the Foundation’s actions and ensuring its sustainability.

FFRD from the inside

The members of the General Committee, the Board of Directors, or the Scientific Council of the FFRD, whether current or former, play a major role within the Foundation, being at the heart of the action…


Professor Emeritus at University of Paris, President of the FFRD Scientific Council

“ I have worked all my life on the hormonal regulation of metabolism, first during development and then in adulthood (Faculty of Sciences, Collège de France, CNRS, INSERM, and then University of Paris 5). I have gained experience in research evaluation (expecially as President of a specialized commission at INSERM) and have participated as a Scientific Advisor for HCERES in the evaluation of CNRS, INSERM and University research units in life sciences. As President of the Scientific Council of the FFRD, since its creation in 2013, my main rolel is to organize, alongide the President of the FFRD et the General Committee, the evaluation of research projects by the Scientific Council (selection of international experts, rapporteurs within the Scientific Council, and the renewal of Scientific Council members).”



Vice-President of the French Federation of Diabetes (FFD), Vice-President of the FFRD


“ The figures speak for themselves – there is an urgency to mobilise against diabetes. This mobilisation must also involve researchers. The creation of the FFRD must promote scientific and medical advances on this genetic and hereditary disease. The AFD, directed by and for patients, provides its financial assistance to FFRD. It wants to be the stimulus for the researchers to find paths to recovery ”.


Professor of Endocrinology Metabolism, Member of the French National Academy of Medicine

“ The French National Academy of Medicine that represent is incomplete harmony with the objectives of the FFRD. I myself am very attached to contributing to and facilitating the development of research projects supported by the Foundation in the domain of epidemiology and in the development of therapeutic education. As a result I feel very committed to policy followed by this institution”.


Michel MARRE

Professor of Diabetology & Endocrinology, former President and founder of the FFRD


“10 years later…
About ten years ago, I was president of the Société Francophone du Diabète (SFD), a French-speaking learned society dedicated to diabetes, whose main aim is to increase and disseminate knowledge in this field. However, this society could only distribute relatively small “grants” to researchers. I therefore decided to set up a Foundation that would make available to researchers in this field, whether on the experimental or clinical side, sums of a more substantial order of magnitude, enabling them to support a project over several years, in addition to public calls for tenders. I was lucky enough…

Our latest news

Find all the news from theFrancophone Foundation for Diabetes Research.

2024 Agenda

Discover the events of the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research:

Board webconference

Validation of the 2024 agenda
Follow-up on the recipients’ conventions
Financial status overview of the FFRD
Finalization of the Press Webconference
Discovery of the communication materials for 2024

Scientific Council webconference

Understanding the final reports of the recipients
Validation of the annual reports of the recipients
Validation of the terms of the call for projects in 2024
Validation of the agenda for the scientific council
Agreements and fundings for the recipients

Press Webconference

Our 3 recipients for the FFRD 2023 research grants
11 years of sustained research in the Francophonie
€7.7 million distributed by the FFRD

Launch of the FFRD 2024 Call for Projects

2 or 3 projects for a total of €600,000, funded by the FFRD
Clinical, fundamental, and translational research
Teams of Francophone researchers

Board webconference

The final stretch before the SFD congress in Toulouse…
… Rehearsals for the FFRD symposium (beta cell)
Preparation for the Board of Directors

The SFD Congress in Toulouse, March 19 to 22

1st FFRD Symposium: Wednesday, March 20th – 10 am/12 pm
On the agenda: The beta cell…
…from its development to dysfunction
Presented by 3 recipients of the Foundation!

Board Meeting

Feed-back of the SFD congress in Toulouse
Update on the ongoing call for projects
Latest press coverage
Financial update

Board of Directors Meeting

Approal of the FFRD’s strategic directions
Approval of accounts certified by our statutory auditor
Renewal of our partnerships and donors
Follow-up of projects and agreements of the recipients
Replacement of the treasurer

Closing of the FFRD 2024 call for projects

Deadline for submitting applications for the FFRD 2024 call for projects
(May 21, 11:59pm)

Board webconference

Reception, analysis, and categorization of applications
Definition of different categories/themes
Sorting of projects before sending to experts
Selection of international experts for review
Appointment of 2 rapporteurs within the CS

Request for international external expertise

Submission of projects to international experts for review
3 experts consulted per category/theme”

Feedback from External Experts

Deadline for receiving opinions and comments from experts for submission to the Scientific Council

EASD congress in Madrid, September 9 to 13

Find FFRD at the Associations Village
Shared booth with our partner SFD

Board webconference

Compilation and ranking of opinions from consulted experts
for submission to the Scientific Council, including the rapporteurs
Terms definition for the next press briefing
Communication and visibility update for FFRD
Financial update (donors and recipients)

Preliminary selection meeting

Meeting of the Scientific Council to pre-select
5 to 7 candidates to defend their projects in hearings

Recipients election for 2024

Meeting of the Scientific Council to interview the pre-selected candidates and select the new recipients for the FFRD 2024 Research Grants

World Diabetes Day
Board Meeting

Finalization of the agenda for the Board of Directors
Overview of 2024 and projections for 2025
Validation of the 2025 agenda

Board of Directors Meeting

Changes inside FFRD’s office and Board of Dir.
Presentation of the FFRD’s 2024 accounts
Follow-up of ongoing research grants
Presentation of the 2024 recipients
Communication plan for 2025

A new year beginning...

..starting from January:
Board meeting and Scientific Council meeting
Terms for the new 2025 call for projects
Press webconference


2013-2024… A Retrospective on 11 Years of Support for Research!

A foundation recognized as being of public interest, the FFRD aims to improve knowledge of diabetes, its significance and to reduce the burden of its complications through the 29 Francophone projects it has funded to date! The projects supported by the FFRD complement those conducted by the SFD, as they involve large-scale and internationnly significant…

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The EASD congress celebrates its 60th anniversary!

On the eve of the start of the EASD Annual Meeting in Madrid, the  Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research will be pleased to meet you at the Village of the Associations, booth #2 ! Let’s share these exciting days filled with science, exchange, collaboration, learning and networking… This EASD 2024 promises to be an exceptional…

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What is Epigenetics by Prof. André SCHEEN

Epigenetics is one of the most promising research areas regarding the development of certain diseases, particularly type 2 diabetes The Professor André SCHEEN, President of the scientific council of the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research (FFRD), explains why this avenue is promising and what epigenetics actually is.     Listen to the interview Diabetes is…

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What if you made a bequest to benefit the FFRD?

Making a bequest to the Francophone Foundation for Diabetes Research (FFRD), state-recognised as serving the public interest, is a powerful and generous act that can have a lasting and significant impact on the fight against diabetes, a true global scourge of this century. Make a bequest and hope will be spread that diabetes will disappear…

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A look back at the SFD congress in Toulouse

The FFRD had the pleasure of participating in the SFD Congress which took place in Toulouse from March 19 to 22nd. First FFRD symposium on the beta cell, presented by three of our former Francophone recipients! It was an opportunity to meet the founder of the FFRD, Michel MARRE, the current president, Hélène HANAIRE, and…

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Next event: EASD congress in Madrid!

The FFRD will have the pleasure to meet you at the 60th EASD congress which will take place in Madrid, from September 9th to 13th. The EASD 2024 annual congress is an excellent opportunity to stay up to date with recent developments in the diabetes field. It is the interface between discovery science and clinical…

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Welcome to Toulouse for the SFD 2024 congress!

Hélène Hanaire, President of the FFRD, is pleased to welcome you at the SFD congress which takes place in Toulouse, from 19 to 22 March. “This is the very first time our annual meeting will take place in the Pink City, and we are committed to making it a success. The sizing of the new…

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The FFRD at the SFD Congress in Toulouse

Discover the latest scientific advances and medical innovations that will be discussed throughout the SFD Congress taking place in Toulouse from March 19 to 22. Explore the diverse themes and the renowned speakers who will lead the sessions of the SFD 2024 Congress on the official preliminary program of the conference.   Professors Michel MARRE,…

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Webconference on 23 January

Join us on January 23rd at 9 am to discover the projects of the FFRD Research Grants recipients, which will be revealed during our press webconference. It will also be an opportunity to present the progress of the prospective SFDT1 cohort, for which the FFRD is the promoter. On the agenda   The FFRD supports…

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024!

    The FFRD would like to express its sincere gratitude for its enduring collaboration with its partners and congratulate its awardees and all researchers who contribute to combating diabetes through their innovative projects that advance research on this disease… May this year-end be an opportunity to celebrate our successes and recharge our batteries for…

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The FFRD at the EASD Congress in Barcelona

  Come and discover this major scientific event: 55th Annual Meeting of EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes). It is taking place in Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, from 16th to 20th September. This 55th EASD Annual Meeting: always a rewarding meeting, with opportunities to makes new contacts… For more information:

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Come and discover the EASD congress in Berlin!

Come and discover this major scientific event : 54th Annual Meeting of EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes). It will take place in Messe Berlin, from 1st to 4th October. The 54th EASD Annual Meeting in Berlin: always a rewarding meeting, with opportunities to make new contacts, … For more information:

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The FFRD named in the LANCET

  The LANCET (scientific newpaper of reference) published, on on July 6, 2017, a special issue on diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa. How to explain the magnitude of this epidemic? What are the difficulties accessing treatments? Interview of Pr Eugène Sobngwi, diabetologist at the Hôpital Central de Yaoundé (minute 20). Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Metabolism at…

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Come and discover the EASD congress in Lisbon!

  Come and discover this major scientific event : 53th Annual Meeting of EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes). It will take place in the Parque das Nações, at the International Fair of Lisbon (FIL), from 11 to 15 September and will be starting with Symposia on 11 September and the Opening Session on the morning of Tuesday, 12…

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Diabetes: all you need to know

Lyse Bordier and Bernard Bauduceau publish a book on diabetes for the general public. This book talked about all topics concerning diabetes by taking stock current scientific data but in easy-to-read and comprehensible language for all.  Available in bookstores and on the internet.

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La FFRD référencée !

Dorénavant la Fondation Francophone pour la Recherche sur le Diabète – FFRD – sera présente, tous les ans, dans le Guide des Dons, Legs et Donations. Cette année, vous retrouverez la FFRD dans la rubrique “Diabète”. L’année prochaine, elle sera présente à la rubrique “Recherche”. La Fondation Francophone pour la Recherche sur le Diabète est également membre du Centre français…

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Pr Pattou’s project, 2015 FFRD laureate, in the spotlight

Laureate of the 2015 FFRD Research Grant of €300.000 for his clinical research project   “role of  intestine in type 2 diabetes remission after  gastric By-Pass surgery”, the Pr François PATTOU, with the assistance of his team at Inserm, explains how simple dietary rules able to mimic the effect of the surgery could contribute to prevent diabetes. A press release from INSERM honors this team, whose unexpected results have been reported  in a…

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Recipients of the 2013 and 2014 FFRD Research Grants… mid-term review.

The Scientific Council of the FFRD just validated the interim reports of the recipients of the 2013 and 2014 FFRD Research Grants, who presented an update of the progress made in their work. • Dr Blandine COMTE, Human Nutrition Unit of the Research Center of Clermont-Ferrand in France. [diapo] Projet : « Metabolic signatures input in the metabolic syndrome prediction: case-control study…

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Pr Eugène Sobngwi’s interview, 2015 laureate

As every year, on the occasion of  the Francophone Society of Diabetes (SFD) “Thematic Day”, the Francophone Foundation for Research on Diabetes (FFRD) organized its press conference which announce the laureates of its research grants. This year, because of  high quality of the projects, the FFRD decided to support 4 Francophone researchers teams among them a Cameroon one lead by …

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